What We Offer: Services

You Can Ask About A Medical Diagnosis And How That Condition May Affect Aeromedical Certification.

If and when a medical condition occurs, it may jeopardize your FAA medical certificate. Ask a Mayo Clinic flight physician how specific medical diagnoses could affect your certification, what testing will be required by the FAA, and how we would approach the case from an aeromedical perspective. We'll respond within 48 hours, and typically within one business day.

You Can Ask About Specific Medications And How They May Affect Pilot Medical Certification.

Although many medications are acceptable for FAA medical certification, unfortunately, there is no "official" published list of disqualifying drugs. Ask a Mayo Clinic flight physician questions about a specific drug or class of medications. They can address whether a medication is disqualifying or what action is required to have it considered for a medical waiver. You will receive a response within 48 hours, typically within one business day.

We Can Help Decipher The Language You May Have Seen In A Letter From The Faa And Help Decide What To Do Next.

Sometimes a pilot will receive correspondence from the FAA that is difficult to decipher. Ask a Mayo Clinic flight physician for assistance in guiding you through what the letter means and what next steps are required for your specific case. We'll respond within 48 hours, typically within one business day.

Sometimes more than one option may apply to your situation. For example, you may have a medical condition and also receive a letter from FAA. If that is the case, simply choose one track and follow through with as much detail as possible. The Mayo Clinic flight physician will be able to respond either way.