
Mayo Clinic has more than 80 years of experience in aerospace research, education and patient care. Whether helping pilots with their healthcare needs, or developing medical devices and oxygen delivery systems for use inflight, Mayo Clinic Aerospace Medicine has something for every aviator, flight department, aircraft manufacturer or medical provider.

Mayo Clinic Aerospace Medicine

The Mayo Clinic Aerospace Medicine program is a valuable resource for pilots, aircraft manufacturers, airlines, pilot organizations, and corporate flight departments. From routine Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) pilot medical exams to complex medical and occupational evaluations for aviators needing Special Issuance authorizations, the Mayo Clinic programs in Aerospace Medicine offer a comprehensive set of medical services for recreational, business aviation flight crews, professional air transport personnel and even individuals traveling to high-altitude environments on land or in the air. 

Mayo Clinic ProPilot Program

Mayo Clinic ProPilot Program™ is a unique service dedicated to keeping pilots healthy by implementing preventive health screenings along with pilot medical certification. The best insurance for protection against unexpected medical issues for pilots is to become involved with a program of prevention and early detection. ProPilot has services for flight departments and individual pilots. Preflight starts with your health.

HIMS Support

Pilots with alcohol or substance dependency or those being treated for depression, anxiety, or a specific psychiatric medical condition may be required by the FAA to have an evaluation, testing, and monitoring by HIMS (Human Intervention Motivation Study) providers. Mayo Clinic Aerospace Medicine is the most complete and comprehensive HIMS program in the United States. 

Mayo Clinic Clear Approach can answer questions regarding HIMS participation and specific questions. Full HIMS support is offered through the Mayo Clinic ProPilot Program. 

Mayo Clinic BasicMed

Mayo Clinic BasicMedis an alternative to medical certification offered to private pilots. It involves having a state-licensed medical professional perform a physical examination, signing a form called the Comprehensive Medical Evaluation Checklist (CMEC), and requiring the pilot to complete an on-line training course that includes a quiz. Mayo Clinic is one of two organizations offering the medical education course, and once completed the airman will receive a completion certificate and the successful quiz completion will be reported to the FAA on behalf of the pilot.

Symptom Checker

The Mayo Clinic Symptom Checker allows you to choose a variety of factors related to your symptom, in order to help you narrow the potential medical conditions related to your symptom. This tool does not incorporate all the personal, health and demographic factors related to you, individually, that would allow a definitive cause or causes to be suggested.

The most reliable way to determine the cause of your symptom, and what to do, is to visit your health-care provider.

Mayo Clinic Clear Approach to Medical Certification can address how a specific medical condition affects pilot medical certification.

Drugs, Medications and Supplements

The Mayo Clinic Drug and Supplement database allows you to search for prescription medications, over-the-counter medications and supplements. This tool provides information only and does not consider take into consideration medical diagnosis, possible drug interactions, or how it affects your ability to operate an aircraft. Utilize Mayo Clinic Clear Approach to Medical Certification for questions about medications and supplements and how they may affect pilot medical certification or the ability to operate an aircraft.

Resources for Medical Providers

Medical providers and Aviation Medical Examiners may not always have the resources available to assist pilots with FAA medical certification. Our team of Senior Aviation Medical Examiners are available to provide assistance to medical providers by contacting us through Mayo Clinic Clear Approach to Medical Certification.